Friday, September 23, 2005

Intelligent Design Through The Ages

2400 B.C. - The way the sun travels across the sky is beyond our understanding. It must be carried in a golden chariot by an intelligent entity. We will call this entity Ra, and worship Him.

900 A.D. - The power and fury of thunder and lightning are beyond our understanding. They must come from the hammer carried by an intelligent entity. We will call this entity Thor, and worship Him.

1450 A.D. - The movement of the planets and stars around the Earth, with their cycles and epicycles, are beyond our understanding. They must be ordained by an intelligent entity. We will call this entity God, and worship Him.

2005 A.D. - The development of the millions of living species on the planet is beyond our understanding. They must have been designed by an intelligent entity. We will...not name this entity, so that the Godless nonbelievers will not recognize our references to Him.

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